Are you ready to make a change?

Maybe you're feeling stuck or out of control. Your emotions are unmanageable and your reactions are too big.

You're afraid that these stress responses are hurting your relationships with family and friends.

And that's where the Embodied program came from.

I've been there.

And I want to share the tools and resources I have to help you shift from feeling out of control to grounded, confident, and in charge of your own life.

What is Embodied?

  • a 5-week yoga-inspired program focused on connecting with your body to transform your life
  • lifelong access to a community of likeminded women who are journeying alongside you
  • my signature program


By the end of your 5 weeks in Embodied, you will learn to:

  • gain control over your emotions and reactions
  • strengthen your mind-body connection
  • tap into the wisdom your body has to share with you so you feel grounded and confident in all of your decisions, big and small

Picture this:

Feeling assured in every decision you make.

Understanding the signs your body is sending you and knowing how to respond to them.

Living fully in the present moment - not obsessing about the past or worrying about the future.

Truly knowing and loving yourself.

Having tools in your back pocket to respond in any crisis.

Deeply connecting with the important people in your life.

Enjoying your food - every bite you eat - without guilt.

Understanding your nervous system and knowing how to balance it.

Naming and destroying the obstacles that are in the way of you living an embodied life.

Creating embodied rituals that work for you and help you to live your best life.

Hi, I’m Emmi.

I'm a yoga teacher and embodiment coach, and my calling is to help my students live more connected lives through their practice.

I've spent more than a decade practicing yoga, mindfulness, and meditation. I've learned to use those practices to know myself deeply, build self-compassion, and live life on purpose so that I can help you do the same.

I am a teacher at heart, and I specialize in cultivating safe, supportive containers where you'll feel secure explore both your deepest self and new ideas.

I teach an embodied yoga that is meant to transfer to your life off the mat. It's not just about fitting our bodies into interesting shapes but about living our very best lives.

I can't wait to go on this Embodied journey with you!

The Deets

When you join Embodied, you get access to:

  • 5 weekly teaching videos
  • 12+ embodiment exercises
  • 5 yoga classes
  • the Embodied workbook
  • downloadable worksheets & templates
  • lifetime access to a community of women walking this journey with you.

Choose a Pricing Option

Got Questions?

Hopefully these answers will help.

Who is Embodied for?

Embodied is for you if feel stuck or a little bit out of control. You want to do the work to move through life more gracefully and confidently, but you're not sure how to get there. Maybe you're interested in yoga or have already started practicing, but you know you could be getting more out of it than just going to an asana class once a week.

What is the time investment for this program?

You should expect to invest 3 to 4 hours a week during your 5 weeks in Embodied. You'll spend one hour on our weekly calls and 2 to 3 hours on homework and the teaching, yoga, and embodiment practices videos. 

I have a question that I don't see here.

You can contact me directly at [email protected].